NutraKey HMB


2 in stock
SKU: 30417


Research published in the Journal of Applied Research has demonstrated that HMB supports building muscle mass by stimulating protein synthesis and decreasing protein breakdown after hard workouts.*

HMB (β-Hydroxy β-Methylbutyrate) is a metabolite of the amino acid Leucine and is one of the most effective natural anabolic compounds – both preventing the breakdown of muscle fibers while increasing protein synthesis. As a result, HMB supplementation may increase muscle recovery after intense exercise, boost muscle growth, and even enhance endurance while working out. While the human body does have a limited ability to convert Leucine to HMB, it’s thought that they only way to significantly increase blood HMB levels is through dietary supplementation.*

Prevent Muscle Death
Preserve Your Gains and Stay Anabolic Compared side-by-side to other amino acids, HMB has been shown to be significantly more effective at preserving muscle mass and offsetting muscle atrophy during diet and intense exercise for both males and females. As a central component of muscle cells, HMB also contributes to quicker recovery times and increased strength gains, as it enables athletes to train harder and adapt to their training more quickly.*