Free Shipping
Use the Shipping Rate Calculator on the cart page to determine if your order qualifies for free shipping. Free Shipping eligibility is automatically calculated during checkout. To receive free shipping, make sure you select the Free Shipping option during checkout.
We offer free shipping on orders shipped within the United States that meet ALL the following criteria:
- Order subtotal of qualifying items after discounts is at least $89
- Some products priced below $89 are eligible for Free Shipping
- Total packaged weight of the order, including box and packing materials, does not exceed 7 lbs. For example, an order containing two tubs, each with 3 lbs of protein powder, does NOT weigh 6 lbs. There are 3 lbs of protein powder in each tub PLUS the weight of the plastic tubs. Once packed, the weight of the cardboard box and packing materials are included, bringing the final shipping weight to 8 lbs.
- Order does not contain liquid drinks (Some products may be exempted from this restriction)
- Shipped within the continental United States (excludes AK and HI) (Some products may be exempted from this restriction)
Free Shipping Restrictions
Sales tax (CA only) is excluded from the qualifying purchase total. Applying coupons or discounts may subtract from the qualifying purchase total. Package must ship to a destination serviced by UPS Ground or USPS.
Return of Orders with Free Shipping
If an order with Free Shipping is returned for a full refund or due to shipping address errors, the actual shipping fees will be deducted from the total amount refunded.
Qualifying Items for Free Shipping
Certain items do not qualify for free shipping. If an item is excluded from Free Shipping, it may be included in your shipment, but it will not count towards the $89 subtotal requirement. Some items that may not qualify for free shipping are bulk protein powders, nutrition bars, and liquid drinks.